Thursday 26 December 2013

Creative Writing: On Writers Block

One of the topics under this writing business that has so pricked at my imagination timelessly is subject of the professional-writers-termed ‘writers
block’, after they opined that, even gifted thinkers could loose their muse all of a sudden and simply experience this imaginative dead end.

I have come, however, this day the 25th of December 2013 to challenge and argue against the materiality of this diseased concept, this big lie that have over time taken not quite a little to heavy ransom but with the exception of those that purposely inputted this self-destruct bomb into the field of creative writing. I want to strongly assure you to your face as you peruse this article that their is no such thing as writers block.

Naturally, their has been a universal line drawn since the ages, which is the fact of good and evil, perfect and imperfect; creative writer and not a creative writer. I especially appreciate how in-depth the field of logic embraces these common facts-it’s either white or black, they will say. No go-between. Their’s never been any such bias as writers block.

This concept therefore marked the birth of yet another, in the list of worlds many destructive psychological propagandas/brain washing/thought control scattered all over the fields of life as deliberate works of either the discriminating class /class minded professionals or sheer evidence of intellectual fallibility. Their is no reason(save, say health issue) a born writer, talented in the realm; and without any visible trace as to the origin of his muse should all of a sudden wind up into one state where what should be an impossible-to-explore-all wander land, puts a pause, in the name of  writers block.

 Ocean aback, came, the sweeping case of hypochondria in medical sciences. A diverse state of self-delusion that motivates one to confessing victim of such illness that will diagnostically prove otherwise; and to a sufferer of writers block, indeed, illusively presumes knowing not what to  write like their equal in the physiological region.Thus lending astonishing credence to the belief that all it will take you to convince the peoples of this universe to subscribe to the reality of any idea you want to establish, just about anything you want to have them believing, in short. Say it, and keep saying it, and never give up. By the time you know it; you will have invented a totally new doctrine (Most times very fatal, like this subject of writers block) with advocates even ready to loose their head for you. like the quite famous Platonic noble lie of  the medieval era and many other similar cases manifold in the society today.

Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ, also drew a strong reference to this in his epistle to the Romans where he argued that why sin is in the world is because their is the law that made/called it sin; hence, the origin of sin, is the law. 'I knew not whether I commit a sin save the law says i did?',,,,.. Pretty relative to this idea of writers block. Writers block is a pre-conceived phenomenon as a result, not quite scientifically true. It's an induced state of mind originally alive to ones heart (it has been overly said, centring the heart to it) before the situation even befell the entity housing the thought. Muse is an unseasonal gift of divinity, it has no blossom or wither period, but like common air all men breath, you either have it deprived you by self, or submitted cheaply to the whims of guile, the real leviathans of destiny already stationed at the doors of all affairs of this life, waiting upon which (willing) soul to mar. Though, we are always at the decisional end. We are response-able!

 Writers block, another hellish conspiracy. Say no!

Think about it!

Please share this article and free the many near strangled bent in our world today  

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