Thursday, 31 October 2013


temperament seems to affect the reason for ones decision and the way
in which actions are taken about them but however dont seem to
determine this actions in themselves
It seems temperament are needs some way.They are driving forces that
make you naturally long for certain things.Take sanguines,for
example,who need to be around people,they derive their energy from
been around others and being alone is a provisional rest between their
socializing.Melancholic need to be alone.however,and would stifle if
given no quiet time;their alone time is their naturally comfortable
time.Hence outgoing is a temporary excursion from usual

state.Emphantically speaking,it is the balance that matters most in
the general observation of these temperaments.
Understanding temperament-your own and others makes you much better
equiped to handle interpersonal relationships successfuly.Studying own
temperament makes one comprehend and appreciate his strength and
weaknesses and why certain behaviours are exhibited
Understanding another persons temperament can help you adapt your
communication to theirs or at the least,understand why you have
problems with them.
In discussing the characteristics of temperament i
shall adopt the Nine attributes according to Thomas and Chess.It is
rooted in the children temperament traits as was classified by Herbert
this underscores the childs physical energy.Is the child constantly
moving,or appeals to a relaxing approach?A ball of fire finds it
difficult sitting still in class where as those with low energy can
tolerate a very structured enviroment. The former may use gross motor
skills like running and jumping frequently.Conversely,a child with a
lower activity level may rely more in fine motor skills:drawing and
puting puzzle together.
the general level of predictability in a childs biological
functions,such as waking,becoming tired,hunger,and bowel movement.Does
the child have a routine in eating and sleeping habits,or are these
events more random?for example a child with high regularity rating may
wnt to eat at 2pm everyday where as a child lower in the scale may
feed intermitently throughout the day.
Simply known as aproach or withdrawal.This refers to how the child
responds(weither positively or negatively)to new persons or
enviroment.Does he without hesitation?or shies away?Bold child tends
to aproach things sharply as if without thinking,where as ,a cautious
child typically prefers to be sure before engaging.
this simply refers to how fast a child orients to change over
time.Does the child adjust the changes in their enviroment easily or
The energy level of a positive or negative response.Does the child
react intensely to a situation or responds in a calm way
The childs general tendency towards a happy or unhappy exposure.All
children have a variety of emotions and reactions,such as cheerful and
stormy,happy and sad.Yet each child biologically tends to have a
generally positive or negative outlook.
the childs tendency to be sidetracked by other the child
constantly preyed by external mechanics in the enviroment?or is
focused despite estblishing dusts?
Childs length of time on a task and the ability to stay with task
through distractions
How eassily the child is disturbed by changes in the enviroment.This
is called sensory threshold of responsiveness.Is the child botherd by
external stimuli such as noises,texture,or lights or does the child
seem to ignore them?A sensitive may loose focus when a door
slams,where as, a less sensitive child will be able to maintain focus
in the face of odds.

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