Thursday, 31 October 2013

Citation methods:MLA

Citations | Works Cited List (Bibliography) | Useful Guides Citations within your paper MLA Style uses brief citations within the text of a paper immediately after a quote, a reference to a source, or a paraphrase. The brief citation gives the author and page number of the source you are referring to, allowing readers to locate the full citation in your Works Cited list. Examples: Pythagoras invented the monochord (Smith 182). Smith believed that Pythagoras invented the monochord (182). In both
examples, the complete information about the work by Smith would appear in the Works Cited list after Smith's name. If you cite more than one work published by Smith, you would distinguish the works by including a shortened version of the title: e.g. (Smith, Survey 182). Works Cited List (Bibliography) Books | Articles | Websites | Other The following are examples of the most commonly used sources. For examples not given here, refer to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. If any required information is not available, MLA Style requires that you use special abbreviations to indicate the information is unavailable (n.p. - no publisher, n.d. - no publication date, n.pag. - no page number). Works Cited list should be double-spaced. Click here for a sample MLA Style Works Cited list. BOOKS Book with One Author: Author Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Medium. Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason. Adrift on an Ice Pan. St. John's: Creative, 1992. Print. Book with More Than One Author: Katona, Steven K.,Valerie Rough and David T. Richardson. A Field Guide to the Whales, Porpoises, and Seals from Cape Cod to Newfoundland. 4th ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993. Print. Book with More Than Three Authors: Storey, Keith, et al. Family Life Impacts of Offshore Oil and Gas Employment. St. John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1989. Print. Edited Book: State the editor(s) followed by a comma and "ed." for one editor, or "eds." for multiple editors. MacEdward, Leach, ed. Folk Ballads and Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast. Ottawa: National Museum of Canada, 1965. Print. Chapter/Article in a Book: Author. "Title of Chapter/Article." Title of Book. Ed. Editor's name(s). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Pages. Medium. Handcock, W. Gordon. "English Migration to Newfoundland." Peopling of Newfoundland: Essays in Historical Geography. Ed. John J. Mannion. St. John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1977. 15-48. Print. E-Book: Author. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Title of Database or Website. Medium. Date you accessed it. Hubbard, Jennifer Mary. A Science on the Scales: The Rise of Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Biology, 1898-1939. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006. ebrary. Web. 9 Apr. 2009. Tocque, Philip. Newfoundland: As It Was, And As It Is In 1877. Toronto: John B. Magurn, 1878. Google Book Search. Web. 9 Apr. 2009. Edition of a Book (other than the first): Add the number of the edition after the title. Butt, Kirk R. Early Settlers of Bay St. George. 2nd ed. Whitby, ON: Boonen Books, 2007. Print. Translated Book After the title, add "Trans." followed by the translator's name(s). Carrier, Roch. La Guerre, Yes Sir!. Trans. Sheila Fischman. Toronto: Anansi, 1970. Print. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____ ARTICLES Journal Article (Print): Author Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Name of Journal Volume. Issue (Year): Pages. Medium. Cox, Gordon. "A Newfoundland Christmas Caroling Tradition." Folk Music Journal 3.3 (1977): 242-60. Print. Journal Article (Online): Author. "Title of Article." Name of Journal Volume. Issue (Year): Pages. Medium. Date you accessed it. Lackenbauer, Whitney P. "War, Memory, and the Newfoundland Regiment at Gallipoli." Newfoundland and Labrador Studies 15.2 (1999): 176-214. Web. 6 Sept. 2009. Journal Article in an Article Index: Author. "Title of Article." Name of Journal Volume. Issue (Year): Pages. Name of Article Index. Medium. Date you accessed it. Thomas, Gerald. "Functions of the Newfoundland Outhouse." Western Folklore 48.3 (1989): 221-43. JSTOR. Web. 27 Oct. 2008. Newspaper Article (Print): Author. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper Day Mon. Year: Pages. Medium. Hudson, Catherine. "Sunken Boat Discovered in Deer Lake." Western Star [Corner Brook] 16 Oct. 2009: 3. Print. Newspaper Article in an Article Index: Author. "Title of Article." Name of Newspaper Day Mon. Year: Pages. Name of Article Index. Medium. Date you accessed it. Pitts, Gordon. "The Fishery is Dead; Long Live the Fishery." Globe and Mail 18 Feb. 2008: B3. CBCA Complete. Web. 27 Aug. 2009. Article in a Web Magazine: Author. "Title of Article." Name of Magazine. Name of Publisher, Day Mon. Year: Pages. Medium. Date you accessed it. Moher, Frank. "Son of the Rock." Canada's Online Magazine. Single Lane Media, 11 Oct 2008: n.pag. Web. 14 Jan. 2009. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____ WEBSITES Entire Website: Author Lastname, Firstname (if available). Name of Site. Name of institution/ organization affiliated with site (sponsor or publisher), date site was created (if available). Medium. Date you accessed it. Railway Coastal Museum. Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2009. Single Page on a Website: Author (if available). "Title of Page." Name of Site. Name of institution/organization affiliated with site (sponsor or publisher), date site was created (if available). Medium. Date you accessed it. "How to Write Citations and Bibliographies in MLA Style." Memorial University Libraries. Memorial University of Newfoundland, n.d. Web. 17 May 2009. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____ OTHER Class Lecture: Professor's name. Course Name and Number. University, Location. Day Mon. Year. Class Lecture. Lewis, Robert. Folklore 2230: Newfoundland Society and Culture. Memorial University, St. John's, NL. 5 Feb. 2011. Class Lecture. Dictionary/Encyclopedia (Print): For commonly used or well-known reference books, do not give full publication information; only provide edition and year of publication. Author (if available). "Title of Entry." Dictionary/Encyclopedia Name. Ed. Editor's name. Edition. Volume. Year of Publication. Medium. Jamieson, Donald C. "I Saw the Fight for Confederation." The Book of Newfoundland. Ed. Joseph R. Smallwood. Vol. 3. 1967. Print. Dictionary/Encyclopedia (Online): Author (if available). "Title of Entry." Dictionary/Encyclopedia Name. Name of institution/organization affiliated with site (sponsor or publisher). Date of Publication. Medium. Date you accessed it. "Moose." Encyclopaedia Britannica Online: Academic Edition. Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. 2009. Web. 29 Feb. 2009. Dissertation or Thesis (Print): Author. "Title of Dissertation/Thesis." Diss. Name of University, Year. Medium. Sanders, Brenda L. "Discourse and Device. The Power of Strategies of Hildegrad Medicine." Diss. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2003. Print. Graphic Novel: Many graphic novels are created through collaboration. Begin the entry with the name of the person whose contribution is most relevant to your research, following it with a label identifying the person's role. List other collaborators after the title in the order in which they appear on the graphic novel's title page, also identifying their roles. For a graphic novel created entirely by one person, cite it like a book with one author. Miller, Frank, writer. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. Illustrated by Klaus Janson. Colored by Lynn Varley. Lettered by John Costanza. New York: DC Comics, 1997. Print. Interview: Name of person interviewed. Type of interview (Personal interview, Telephone interview). Date of interview Day Mon. Year. Smith, John. Personal interview. 12 Nov. 2010. Movie: Title. Dir. Director's name. Name of Studio/ Production Company/Distributor, year. Medium. Down to the Dirt. Dir. Justin Simms. Newfoundland Films Inc, 2008. Film. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____ Useful Guides Didn't find the example you needed? Check out the following guides for more specific information or for citing other types of sources: Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2009. Print. (Available at the Library in the Reference section and on Reserve: Call number LB 2369 M53 2009) Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. 3rd ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2008. Print. (Available at the Library in the Reference section and on Reserve: Call number PN 147 A28 2008) T

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