Saturday, 31 March 2012


WHY MANAGEMENT? 1 Represents a rallying force in every group undertaker 2Force that sustains organizational goals 3Need for a corps of professionals 4Engine of economic growth and development why mgt; Social &Material reasons SOCIAL: It enhances the gregarious nature of man MATERIALS: It enables us to satisfy our material needs i.e enlargement of activities,compression of time,reservoir of knowledge. WEITHER MGT IS
UNIVERSAL?,Universality principle was introduced by Sir Henry Fayol.He postulated that mgt was the same Does culture affect mgt?Convergence and Divergence dichotomy Convergence-there are certain things of suigeneric nature in the,logic of industrialization,mkt structure. Divergence dichotomy:Theory that mgt is complete with the behaviour of mgt and harneses human being. THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUIFINALITY:Tells us that we can arrive at similar destination by different approaches or means.while some aspect of mgt is convergent some are divergent i.e their is American and Japanese mgts rooted in their respective cultures. The concept of transferability:What guarantee is their that a manager who did well in Nigeria will do well in th Us?Same as culture but here focuses mainly on corporate culture CORPORATE CULTURE? Is that culture which resides or exists or is found in a given organization remember that culture is a way of life of a given people.It determines how we manage and it is the manager that initiates and inculcate into the organization these cultures most of which are seen in the policies of the enterprise.The principles is finally saying that if the manager disregards the culture of an organization he will surely fail.It is transferable to the extent you identify with,internalize,adopt and adapt the corporate culture of such organization. WHAT IS GOAL?It is a desirable future condition in which ones efforts and resolve is chanelled. THE CONCEPT OF GOAL P Purpose M Mission O Objective T Target A Aim FEATURES OF A GOOD GOAL. 1,Smart.It underscores A,Clarity,Attainable,Realiatic,Acceptable,Congruent. 2,Simple 3,Achievable 4,Measurable 5,Time denominated 6,Clearly defined. A REALISTIC GOAL:When the demands of that goal are equal to your ability physically and mentally. STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT IN MANAGEMENT:Scientific mgt was pioneerd by WF Taylor.It is scientific because:- 1,It is qualified 2,Systematic in nature 3,Factual in nature 4,The knowledge was empirical THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC MGT; 1,Develop a science for every element of a mans job to replace the old rule of thought 2,Scientifically select:Teach,train and develop in the work the required skills needed to execute a job. 3,Corporate with the workman and ensure his compliance to the principles of science which he developed. 4,Their should be an equal division of labour between the work and mgt. Taylor carried out several experiments one of which was time and motion studies which seeked to explain the moves,steps and actions taken by workmen as they work. SLOW DOWN,Is a deliberate or intentional effort of a workman to work below his capacity. HIGHLIGHTS OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT: 1,It represents the first major attempt to qualify and develop the science of mgt. 2,Time and motion studies 3,He sees the workmen as a mere adjunct to a machine hence can work 12hours none if a machine can do so 24hours none stop. 4,He sees the as an economic being;Someone of selfish nature,working only for his financial benefit afterwards. 5,He then recommended the differential incentive scheme whereby a certain hour of time was scheduled and shared out as working hour with its attendant pay and any one who thereof does additional job or work attracts a pay that tallies that is that goes in prorata with his initiated additional effort. 6,He further recommended functional foremanship,that is,their should be as many foremen as there are labourers or workmen. 7,He focused in ergonomics. Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between man and machine.He established an organization without soul.Injury sustained at the industry is called industrial accident. HIS EFFORTS TOWARDS REMMEDYING THE HIGH RATE OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS WHERE: 1,He iniated JODB DESIGN a process that involved a,specification of sites for workmen or clear allotement of portions. b,Qualifications for workmen c,The tools and implements required for the job all these and more where made criterias for industrial jobs to bare or curtail the looming accidents in the field. Henry Fayol pioneerd administrarive mgt,functional mgt and process mgt. DIFFRENCIES BETWEEN THE TWO NOTIONS 1,Taylor was concerned with shop floor while Fayol focused on general mgt Henry divdided mgt into functions,viz 1,Planning 2,Organising 3,controlling 4,commanding,and co-ordinating. HIGHLIGTHS OF GENERAL MANAGEMENT 1,He said management is Universal 2,He sees management as an academic field of study 3,He believed that a sound knowledge is only obtainable through apprenticeship. Elton Mayo,who focused on human factor was invited by a company named Western eunichi when the application of management according to FW Taylor became too complicated for them.He was hired for a reform,modification and initiation of a more compatible method. HONTHORN EFFECT:T he propensity of people to act or behave extraordinarily as a result of an attention directed towards them EXPERIMENTS BY Mayo: 1,Relay Room Exp:{focused on women] Purpose,to ascertain the effect of working condition on performance. 2 Bank Wiring Exp;focused on men who where sent on an organizational production unit with a quota and a leader.When they reached their place of work and after interactions about their,giving the inability of some of them to produce up to the assigned quota,the harmoniously deposed their appointed leader,made a new leader at concensus who nullified the mgts quota and raised one which they felt would be easy for to produce on oaths that:1,whoever tells the management what transpired shall be called a squealer.2,who ever produces above their own quota shall be henceforth called a raite boster.3,that who so ever goes below their agreed quota of production shall be called a chiseller.And the last but not the list experiment carried out by Elton mayo was Break Period Experiment:Observation,Workmen work more when they observe break than when they don’t,and that they equally produce more when they are allowed some time of rest HIGHLIGHT OF MANAGEMENT BY ELTON MAYO 1,The worker is a social being;He has emotion 2,The worker is not always economically minded;He also is interested in the social relationship and companionship of others. 3,there are two groups in every organization.Formal being the management and the Informal representing Trade Unions.they always disagree.When management appoint leaders they unanimously depose. 4,Working condition have on the workers. THE JOB OF A MANAGER. A system is an interdependent and interrelated set that work together to achieve a common goal.Their closed and open systems that is internal and external respectively. SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT IN MANAGEMENT: SYSTEM SHOOL:Deals with input and output analysis.their are subsystems.Elton focused on human factor,Fayol,on general management,Taylor on the shop floor. CONTINGENCY SCOOL:Espoused that Taylor was wrong on his attempt of finding the one best way,and that the one best way is tha tdetermined by the environment. QUANTITATIVE SCHOOL:Focuses on decision sees that manager that is able to make efficient and competent decisions as good. TWO KINDS OF DECISION 1,RATIONAL:Factual and a systematic decision they are reached through,linear programming,chi square,and break even points even regression analysis and time series analysis. 2.IRRATIONAL:Are not factual an are often reached by experience and trial and error;intuitive decisions.. FUNCTIONAL APPROACH TO MAGERIAL ROLE: Postulated by Henry Fayol.They are 1,Planning,Staffing Organising,4 communicating,5Motivating 6,Co ordinating 7,Commanding,8,Leading 9,Directing 10,Controlling. THE EVICTION PROCESS THAT REDIUSED IT TO FOUR Commanding:was a military connotation.It treats human being like a robot without brain. Directing and Leading:are a single role in which one should apply Motivating:Is the function of leading and need not be alone.It is the act of inculcating in a person the zeal to work. Co-ordinating:It ensures harmony.It brings together divergent is no function but the essence of management. Communication:Is a means of interaction between employers and employees.It is a tool of mgt not a function

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